Chilling Breakthrough: The Science Behind a Real


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Aug 15, 2023

Chilling Breakthrough: The Science Behind a Real

By University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied ScienceAugust 2, 2023 Professor Patrick Hopkins of the University of Virginia is developing a freeze-ray device to cool electronics in

By University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied ScienceAugust 2, 2023

Professor Patrick Hopkins of the University of Virginia is developing a freeze-ray device to cool electronics in spacecraft and high-altitude jets. The technology is based on plasma, which surprisingly cools surfaces before heating them. With a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Air Force, the team is exploring ways to amplify and prolong this cooling effect. (Artist’s concept.)

A University of Virginia professor believes he has discovered how to create a freeze-ray device, inspired by the Batman villain, Mr. Freeze. Rather than being a weapon, this device is intended to cool down electronics within spacecraft and high-altitude jets.

Do you know that freeze-ray gun that “Batman” villain Mr. Freeze uses to “ice” his enemies? A University of Virginia professor thinks he may have figured out how to make one in real life.

The discovery – surprisingly based on heat-generating plasmaPlasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, along with solid, liquid, and gas. It is an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons. It was first described by chemist Irving Langmuir in the 1920s." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]">plasma – is not meant for weaponry, however. Mechanical and aerospace engineering professor Patrick Hopkins wants to create on-demand surface cooling for electronics inside spacecraft and high-altitude jets.

“That’s the primary problem right now,” Hopkins said. “A lot of electronics on board heat up, but they have no way to cool down.”

The U.S. Air Force likes the prospect of a freeze ray enough that it has granted the professor’s ExSiTE Lab (Experiments and Simulations in Thermal Engineering) $750,000 over three years to study how to maximize the technology.

From there, the lab will partner with Hopkins’ UVA spinout company, Laser Thermal, for the fabrication of a prototype device.

The professor explained that, on Earth – or in the air closer to it – the electronics in military craft can often be cooled by nature. The Navy, for example, uses ocean water as part of its liquid cooling systems. And closer to the ground, the air is dense enough to help keep aircraft components chilled.

Doctoral candidates Sara Makarem Hoseini and Daniel Hirt observe the plasma ray setup. Though Hirt wears a knit cap and puffy jacket for effect, the cooling is localized and doesn’t have much influence on the surrounding room temperature. Credit: Tom Cogill

However, “With the Air Force and Space Force, you’re in space, which is a vacuum, or you’re in the upper atmosphere, where there’s very little air that can cool,” he said. “So what happens is your electronics keep getting hotter and hotter and hotter. And you can’t bring a payload of coolant on board because that’s going to increase the weight, and you lose efficiency.”

Hopkins believes he’s on track toward a lightweight solution. He and collaborators recently published a review article about this and other prospects for the technology in the journal ACS Nano.

The matter we encounter every day exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. But there’s a fourth state: plasma. While it may seem relatively rare to us on Earth, plasma is the most common form of matter in the universe. In fact, it’s the stuff that stars are made of.

Plasmas can occur when gas is energized, Hopkins said. That powers their unique properties, which vary based on the type of gas and other conditions. But what unites all plasma is an initial chemical reaction that untethers electrons from their nuclear orbits and releases a flow of photons, ions and electrons, among other energetic speciesA species is a group of living organisms that share a set of common characteristics and are able to breed and produce fertile offspring. The concept of a species is important in biology as it is used to classify and organize the diversity of life. There are different ways to define a species, but the most widely accepted one is the biological species concept, which defines a species as a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce viable offspring in nature. This definition is widely used in evolutionary biology and ecology to identify and classify living organisms." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]">species.

The eye-popping results can be witnessed in the sudden flash of a lightning strike, for example, or the warm glow of a neon sign.

Though plasma screen televisions were once a thing, then phased out, don’t let that fool you. Plasma is increasingly being used in technology. It’s already utilized in the engines of many of the Air Force’s speediest jets. The plasma assists combustion, improving speed and efficiency.

The plasma jet in this example is made from helium, which creates a purple glow. The lab will experiment with other gases, too, to identify which is ideal for cooling. Credit: Tom Cogill

However, Hopkins pictures plasma also being used in the interior of the craft.

The typical solution for air and space electronics has been a “cold plate,” which conducts heat away from the electronics toward radiators, which release it. For advanced electronics, however, that may not always be sufficient.

Hopkins thinks the revised setup may be something like a robotic arm that roves in response to temperature changes, with a short, close-up electrode that zaps hot spots.

“This plasma jet is like a laser beam; it’s like a lightning bolt,” Hopkins said. “It can be extremely localized.”

Cool fact: Plasma can reach temperatures as hot as the surface of the sun. But it also seems to have this weird characteristic – one that would appear to violate the second law of thermodynamics. When it strikes a surface, it actually chills before heating.

Hopkins and his collaborator, Scott Walton of the U.S. Navy Research Laboratory, made the unexpected discovery several years ago, just before the pandemic hit.

“What I specialize in is doing really, really fast and really, really small measurements of temperature,” Hopkins said of his custom-made microscopic instruments, which can record specialized heat registries.

In their experiment, they fired a purple jet of plasma generated from helium through a hollow needle encased in ceramic. The target was a gold-plated surface. The researchers chose gold because it’s inert, and as much as possible, they wanted to avoid surface etching by the focused beam, which could skew the results.

“So when we turned on the plasma,” Hopkins said, “we could measure temperature immediately where the plasma hit, then we could see how the surface changed. We saw the surface cool first, then it would heat up.

“We were just puzzled at some level about why this was happening, because it kept happening over and over. And there was no information for us to pull from because no prior literature has been able to measure the temperature change with the precision that we have. No one’s been able to do it so quickly.”

What they finally determined, in association with then-UVA doctoral researcher John Tomko and continued testing with the Navy lab, was that the surface cooling must have been the result of blasting an ultrathin, hard-to-see surface layer, composed of carbon and water molecules.

A similar process happens when cool water evaporates off of our skin after a swim.

“Evaporation of water molecules on the body requires energy; it takes energy from body, and that’s why you feel cold,” the professor said. “In this case, the plasma rips off the absorbed species, energy is released, and that’s what cools.”

Hopkins’ microscopes work by a process called “time-resolved optical thermometry” and measure something called “thermoreflectance.”

Basically, when the surface material is hotter, it reflects light differently than when it’s colder. The specialized scope is needed because the plasma would otherwise obliterate any directly touching temperature gauges.

So how cold is cold? They determined they were able to reduce the temperature by several degrees, and for a few microseconds. While that may not seem dramatic, it’s enough to make a difference in some electronic devices.

After the pandemic delay, Hopkins and collaborators published their initial findings in Nature Communications last year.

Then the question became: Could they get a reaction to be colder and last longer?

Previously working with the Navy’s borrowed equipment – so lightweight and safe it was often used for school demonstrations – the UVA lab now has its own setup, thanks to the Air Force grant.

The team is looking at how variations on their original design might improve the apparatus. Doctoral candidates Sara Makarem Hoseini and Daniel Hirt are considering gases, metals and surface coatings that the plasma can target.

Hirt provided a lab update.

“We haven’t really explored the use of different gasses yet, as we’re still working with helium,” he said. “We have experimented so far with different metals, such as gold and copper, and semiconductorsSemiconductors are a type of material that has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor (such as copper) and an insulator (such as rubber). Semiconductors are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including transistors, diodes, solar cells, and integrated circuits. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor can be controlled by adding impurities to the material through a process called doping. Silicon is the most widely used material for semiconductor devices, but other materials such as gallium arsenide and indium phosphide are also used in certain applications." data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]">semiconductors, and each material offers its own playground for investigating how plasma interacts with their different properties.

“Since the plasma is composed of a variety of different particles, changing the type of gas used will allow us to see how each one of these particles impact material properties.”

Hirt said working with Hopkins on a project with such significant implications has rejuvenated his interest in research, in large part due to the supportive lab environment the professor fosters.

“I feel like it’s night and day comparing not only where I was as a scientist, but also my enjoyment of science, to where I am today,” he said.

Reference: “Ultrafast and Nanoscale Energy Transduction Mechanisms and Coupled Thermal Transport across Interfaces” by Ashutosh Giri, Scott G. Walton, John Tomko, Niraj Bhatt, Michael J. Johnson, David R. Boris, Guanyu Lu, Joshua D. Caldwell, Oleg V. Prezhdo and Patrick E. Hopkins, 17 July 2023, ACS Nano.DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c02417

Funding: U.S. Air Force

A University of Virginia professor believes he has discovered how to create a freeze-ray device, inspired by the Batman villain, Mr. Freeze. Rather than being a weapon, this device is intended to cool down electronics within spacecraft and high-altitude jets.